Rules & Policies


Please carefully read the PLAY2PLAY regulations!

Access to our location is only granted after acknowledging the regulations and providing personal data.

⁃ The parent accepts full responsibility regarding the child’s safety and agrees that the employees and the PLAY2PLAY company have no liability for any incident/accident/damage/illness within the playground;

⁃ Children under 5 years old can enter only accompanied by an adult and under their close supervision;

⁃ PLAY2PLAY staff do not have the responsibility to constantly supervise each child;
⁃ The parent is required to fill in the requested data necessary for registration;
⁃ Picking up the child from the PLAY2PLAY premises will only be done by the parent, except when other instructions are received from the accompanying adult at the time of registration (clear indication that a third party will pick up the child); the minimum age of a child who can remain unaccompanied is 5 years;
⁃ Access to the premises is only allowed in socks and indoor shoes; adults are required to wear shoe covers, provided at the entrance to the playground; shoes will be placed in the specially designated area; PLAY2PLAY assumes no responsibility for theft or replacement of footwear;
⁃ Hand disinfection is mandatory upon entering the playground (adults and children), as well as maintaining personal hygiene (washing hands after using the toilet);
⁃ Access to the playground with food or drinks is prohibited, they can only be consumed in the designated dining areas; also, access with food and drinks purchased from outside is not allowed;
⁃ Access with sharp, hard, blunt or flammable objects is not allowed;
⁃ Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the playground (including electronic cigarettes);
⁃ Access with pets is not allowed;
⁃ We are not responsible for forgetting/losing personal belongings left in our location;
⁃ Children and adults will have appropriate behavior and decent language within our premises; to resolve any conflict situation, please call on the PLAY2PLAY representatives present on site; failure to comply with the above will result in exclusion from the playground/premises;
⁃ Access of sick children (temperature, colds, childhood diseases) to the playground is not allowed, therefore we reserve the right to refuse their entry;
⁃ Any damage caused by negligence, improper use of the playground/equipment, including dirt and tearing may be charged to the accompanying adults, at inventory value;
⁃ If the maximum number of people has been reached, access to our location will no longer be permitted;
⁃ PLAY2PLAY reserves the right to take photos/videos, for promotion on social networks;
⁃ PLAY2PLAY reserves the right to deny access to any person, who does not comply with safety rules, the instructions of the employed staff, or exhibits undisciplined behavior;
⁃ The PLAY2PLAY regulations must be understood and complied with by children and implicitly, the accompanying adults during their visit to our location, and in case of non-compliance we reserve the right to deny access to the playground premises.

Thank you for understanding!

The PLAY2PLAY team